The thread on hypotheticals has caused me to reread that section of A5 a
few times now and a couple of paragraphs bother me the more I read
them.  I'll just quote the parts that bother me:

        ... If a regex sets a hypothetical variable that was declared
        with either my or our beforehand, then the regex modifies that
        lexical or package variable, and let is purely a run-time

        On the other hand, if the variable is not pre-declared, it's
        actually stored in the regex state object. In this case, the let
        also serves to declare the variable as lexically scoped to the
        rest of the regex, in addition to its run-time action. ...

So, each time I use a hypothetical, I have to be concious of which
variables are currently in scope?  Perl can't help be with this task
because how does it know if I meant to hypothetically clobber that
lexical or store something in the match object.  This is only really a
problem if you expect "let" variables to always show up in the match
object and sometimes they don't.  So why not make it so that "let"
also always causes these variables to appear in the match object?

Jonathan Scott Duff

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