Trey Harris wrote:

>>So, each time I use a hypothetical, I have to be concious of which
>>variables are currently in scope?  Perl can't help be with this task
>>because how does it know if I meant to hypothetically clobber that
>>lexical or store something in the match object.  This is only really a
>>problem if you expect "let" variables to always show up in the match
>>object and sometimes they don't.  So why not make it so that "let"
>>also always causes these variables to appear in the match object?
> It should.  I think everyone has been proceeding under the assumption that
> they are.  If you use a variable name already defined, then you set both
> the match object's attribute of the same name (minus the sigil if sigil is
> '$') *and* the external variable.

That's what I'd like to see too. Indeed, I'd like to see the scalars
turn up in C<$o{'$name_with_dollar"}> as well. TMTOPTSI [*]


[*] There's More Than One Place To Store It. ;-)

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