Steve Fink wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 11:44:11PM +0200, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
>>.... or who applies what when and why or not? This questions arises 
>>sometimes, so I'll ask.

>>If people don't have the time to look at it, it's ok. But then, it would 
>>be fine, if I could checkin at least the imcc changes myself, so that 
>>not 3 different people send patches WRT missing commas in imcc.y.
> I definitely vote for you to be given commit privileges. Not all of
> those patches should be applied without posting them for review, but
> most could be.

Thank you for your confidence. Of course I wouldn't apply e.g. the 
classes restructuring or the Lea collector ;-)
But obvious bugfixes (to imcc in the first place) would go in, as the 
series, posted since 0.0.9 went in.

> I see imcc as a particularly troublesome area right now. I'm too
> uncertain of the ownership/maintainership of that area right now to be
> comfortable committing stuff just because it looks good to me. What's
> the current state? Melvin, how much are you okay with?

Melvin did commit 0.0.9 after review, all changes WRT syntax are 
discussed and when people agree, we change it.

As Melvin wrote, he's currently short of spare time - but he might 

speak for himself..

> The intlist stuff looked great to me when I skimmed through it, but I
> haven't had the time recently to give it as close a look as I'd like
> before committing. (The intlist test cases are harsh enough that it's
> hard to go too far wrong before breaking them anyway.) 

Yep, the src-tests are really very valuable, they check each border case 
thoroughly - great thing.

> ... If anyone else
> with commit privs could take a look at it, I think it's a no-brainer
> to commit unless you see something horribly wrong. (Updated data
> structure documentation would be kind of nice, though...) 

Ok, I'll add some documentation for the chunk_list stuff/direct access.

> ...  Otherwise,
> I'll hopefully be able to do it myself within a few days.

What aboud my proposal, to base all array classes on intlist?


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