Michael G Schwern:
> I've been mucking about a bit more with this whole interface thing.
> So if we make method signatures only enforced on subclasses 
> if the parent class or method has the interface property...
> ....except private methods, obviously.
> And if we make pre/post conditions and class invariants 
> always enforced...


post-conditions and invariants are always enforced, but pre-conditions are
different. A derived interface can loosen input constraints... so it must be
able to either satisfy all inherited pre-conditions _or_ its own

> ....shouldn't we have private invariants and conditions?


I should inject that I disagree with the use of term private as meaning
non-inheritable. I think of private as an methods and attributes accessible
only within the namespace of that class or its descendants. Perhaps a better
term would be something like:

  method foo is disinherited { ... }

I also need to separate out the DBC topic from the interface one. For
instance I have a hard time thinking about attributes in the context of
interfaces. For me, interfaces should be limited to a bunch of abstract
methods with conditions. Any other declarations within an interface IMO
should be errors. I.e., all other declarations belong in the implementation

If you want to have a public and private "inheritable" interfaces that's
fine. But what's the point of a non-inheritable interface? Myself, I call
non-inheritable methods "functions".

>     class ATV is Car, interface {
>           attr _tilt is private;
>           invar { ._tilt <= 20 } is private;
>           method turn($direction, $how_sharp) {
>                    pre  { $how_sharp <= 20 } is private;
>                    ...implementation...
>           }
>     }

An interface shouldn't have attributes. And per above, private
pre-conditions are pointless.  I would rewrite the above as:

class ATV is Car, interface {
  invar { .tilt <= 20 };
  method tilt() is private; # in the "to class heirachy" sense
  method turn($direction, $how_sharp) {
    pre  { $how_sharp <= 20 };

> I've implemented an ATV where I've put in a saftey
> protection against rolling over in a turn as both an
> invariant and a pre-condition.  It will not allow you
> to turn the car too sharply, else it simply blows up.
> Wait second... ;)
> But I don't want my subclasses to be constrained by that.  
> It's just an implementation detail that I only wish to
> enforce upon ATV and not it's children.  So they're
> private.
> Makes sense, no?

No. Per DBC, pre-conditions are satisfied if either the inherited
pre-conditions _or_ its own pre-conditions are satisfied. Thus allowing the
loosening of input constraints which I believe is what you're after.

Garrett Goebel
IS Development Specialist

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