On Thu, 3 Oct 2002, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> 1) Delegation through inheritance:
>       (a.k.a. "mixin" classes, "hard delegation", "concrete interfaces",
> etc., etc.)
>       Example: I want to say that a class DataManager has the capabilities
>       of the interfaces DataStrategy and CacheStrategy, but is not strictly a
>       "subclass" of either.  In other languages, this might appear like:
>       class DataManager implements DataStrategy, CacheStrategy { ... }
>               - or -
>       class DataManager mixin DataStrategy, CacheStrategy { ... }

Aside from runtime mixin', in what way does inheritance _not_ do what you

> 2) Delegation through attribute:
>       (a.k.a.... "soft delegation", "instance-based delegation", etc., etc.)
>       The ability to specify that, if an instance of an object DataSnippet
>       is affiliated with a specific, runtime instance of a DataManager, e.g.
>       class DataSnippet {
>               attr $data_manager is DataManager;
>       }
>       ... then [some, all] public methods of $self.data_manager can
>       automatically be delegated by the DataSnippet to that specific
>       instance, eliminating the need for code that makes you want
>       to kill yourself:
>       method foo (...) { $self.data_manager.foo( ... ) }
>       method bar (...) { $self.data_manager.bar( ... ) }
>       # ... repeat until carpel tunnel syndrome sets in ...

Reaction #1:  Only on a perl list would it occur to people to complain
about that.  :)

Reaction #2:  Inheritance would automatically delegate all those
methods, so again, in what way does inheritance _not_ solve the problem?

Finally, a question about interfaces:
In what way is an interface different from a pure abstract class (i.e.
containing only method declarations, but no code)?

~ John Williams

DISCLAIMER: This post assumes perl6 will have multiple inheritance.

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