On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Andy Wardley wrote:
: Nicholas Clark wrote:
: > I think that the first syntax
: > 
: > class Car::Q is Car renames(eject => ejector_seat)
: >              is CD_Player renames(drive => cd_drive);
: > 
: > makes it more clear that I'd like to pick and choose which methods
: > the composite object gets from which parent.
: But now you've turned composition back into inheritance, and I think it's
: important to be able to distinguish between the two.
: The car is definately not a CD player, it just has one.
: I think we need a more flexible syntax for specifying how interfaces 
: should be constructed in the case of composed objects, rather than 
: turning composition into inheritance to avoid the problem.

Yes, that's important.  If you've got a CD_Player *object*, it doesn't
do anyone any good to pretend it's a car *object*.  We too often
lose sight of the fact that objects should behave like objects.  That's
what OO really means, after all.  OO isn't about inheritance

Anyway, I don't see offhand why composition can't simply be done with
attributes as it is in C++, especially since attributes manifest as
methods outside the class.  I don't think $car.cd.eject() is all that
horrible to contemplate.


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