On Fri, 11 Oct 2002, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
: On Friday, October 11, 2002, at 04:11  PM, Larry Wall wrote:
: >     has Nose $.snout;
: >     has Ear  @.ears is cut("long");
: >     has Leg  @.legs;
: >     has Tail $.tail is cut("short");
: >
: >     method Wag () {...}
: >     }
: What's the rationale again for the dot in $.snout?  Does it imply that 
: it should be
:       method .Wag () {...}
: to match?

Yes, that's part of it, presuming you actually meant:

        method .snout () {...}

It also doesn't look like either a lexical or a global when you use
it within the method.  I always hated that about C++.

I suppose it could be argued that the . is redundant within a "has",
but I kinda like the consistency.  It could also be argued that
the '$' should be dropped on scalar attributes, but that's another
consistency thing.  You can certainly drop it within the methods,
since there's also the accessor methods.


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