On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, Peter Haworth wrote:
: This is the one nice thing about the Pascal-like syntax of Eiffel. It allows
: this situation to be unambiguous and sensibly ordered (as well as giving each
: condition labels, so that violations can be better reported):
:   foo(this: ThisType, that: ThatType): FooType IS
:       small: this <= 42
:       half:  that = this / 2
:     DO
:       -- implementation goes here
:     ENSURE
:       fooed_ok: RESULT = baz(this) + that
:     END
: If you're declaring an abstract feature, just replace the whole DO clause with

That is exactly what a literal C< {...} > means in Perl 6, and why it's required on 
forward declarations of
anything that takes a block, if you really mean it that way.  You can't say

    sub foo;

in Perl 6.  You have to say

    sub foo {...}

: Also notice how Eiffel's syntax also somehow makes statement
: terminators completely optional. 

Yes, well, let's not go there...  :-)

: Aren't sub declarations in Perl 6 all expressions? Why couldn't we put the
: post condition at the end, then?
:   sub foo($this, $that) is memoized is something
:     is pre{ $this <= 42 }
:     is pre{ $that == $this / 2 }
:   {
:     # implementation goes here
:   } is post{
:     # postcondition 1
:   } is post{
:     # postcondition 2
:   }
: If you want an abstract method, just omit the implementation block.

The absence of something is hard to notice.  Put {...} for an abstract method.


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