On 26 Oct 2002, Smylers wrote:
: Larry Wall wrote:
: > I'm thinking we need a rule that says you can't put a space before a
: > dereferencing (...),
: I'm concerned that making this sensitive to whitespace doesn't simplify
: things.
: >     print(length $a), "\n";
: >     print (length $a), "\n";
: Those look to me like they should do the same thing as each other.

Sorry, they don't look that way to me.

: Distinguishing them sounds scary, much scarier than having C<$a _ 1>
: being different from C<$a_1>.

But we already have exactly the same distinction with

    $foo{ $bar }
    $foo { $bar }

not to mention

    $a ?? $foo::bar
    $a ?? $foo :: bar

: How much is the 'if it looks like a function it is a function' rule
: needed at all?  What would be the harm in not having any special rule
: here, so both of the above pass the line-break to C<print>?

The harm would be that we'd basically be reinventing Lisp syntax with
precedence in place of some of the parens.

: Somebody
: needing to ensure that C<print> only got one argument could do:
:   (print length $a), "\n";
: That is, parens always go round the outside of the thing they are
: grouping even when the thing is a function call.

You're also bringing that parenthesis all the way out to the front of:

($obj.foo.bar.baz[3]{"finagle"}.each.subobj.print length $a), "\n";

That's not so good.  Unless you make method syntax different from functions.
Which is also not so good.

: That would be counter-intuitive to anybody coming from a background in a
: language where parens have to be used in all function calls, but:
:   1 It has the benefit of there being one simple rule to learn, with no
:     caveats about functions (or whitespace).  Even when somebody gets it
:     wrong, it's a case of showing how the general rule should be applied
:     in this particular case rather than introducing an exception; that
:     should be easier to learn.

Lisp has one simple rule to learn too.  :-/

And I don't think this is introducing another exception when we're
talking about generalizing it for all brackets, and maybe all operators
that can have both a postfix and some non-postfix meaning.

:   2 There's no need to have any sort of disambiguating character (like
:     the current C<+> or the suggested C<.> (with opposite meanings)).

At the cost of requiring *two* separate disambiguating characters
in many cases, one of which is a long way away from the "action".
To put it another way, these kinds of disambiguating characters break
up the left-to-right reading.  This is the sort of thing we're trying
to get away from already.  Perl 5 had the problem with braces:

    Perl 5:  @{ foo($x) }[1,2,3]
    Perl 6:     foo($x)[1,2,3]

:   3 If somebody wants to put parens after all her/his function names
:     they often won't do any harm.

Until they write

    print rand(3), "\n"

and wonder why they're getting

    print rand(3, "\n")

: I don't think the default situation
:     for somebody who doesn't know the rules is made worse.  There are
:     some situations made 'worse', and some, like the above, made
:     'better'.

Well, here I'd trot out Simon's argument that most of the people will
be coming from C-ish background, not Lispish background.  Counting
by "situations" doesn't take into account the fact that I'd be lynched
by several million people if I did that. 

I do think that "." may be the wrong character to "eat" whitespace though.

    $hash   .[$key]
    $hash   _[$key]

Reminds me of the old problem of what to use if we adopted the rule
I keep hankering for that says a final } on a line ends the current
statement.  A _ could be made to suppress whitespace interpretation
there too, only on the other end of the bracket:

    $x = do { foo(); bar(); baz() }_
        + 2;

(That _ would presumably *not* turn the following operator into a postfix.)

Using _ rather than . would prevent it from being interpreted as a method call.
That might be particularly important with alphanumeric operators.

    $x .x       # the .x method
    $x _x       # the x postfix operator

The definition of a factorial could then be

    sub postfix:! (num $x) { $x < 2 ?? $x :: $x * ($x - 1)! }

(assuming decent tail-recursion optimization).

Note that since the syntax is implied by the name, the newly defined
operator can be used within the body.  But this would be a syntax

    sub postfix:! (num $x) { $x < 2 ?? $x :: $x * ($x - 1) ! }

which could be fixed with the _:

    sub postfix:! (num $x) { $x < 2 ?? $x :: $x * ($x - 1) _! }

Weird, but it's all consistent with the distinction we're already
making on curlies, which gave a great increase in readability.

And it would let someone declare a ++ binary operator if they wanted it.

    print $a++ ++ ++$b;

Whatever that means...  :-)


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