Luke Palmer asked:

When junctions collapse,
Sigh, not another one of those dreadful reality TV shows:

	When animals attack
	When drivers collide
	When junctions collapse

Next we'll get:

	When mailing lists explode
	When threads perpetuate
	When Piers summarize
	When Larrys make puns

is that reflected back in the original junction,

as it should be (QM-wise)?
Except, of course, junctions aren't QM (hence the name change).
They're inspired by, but not slavishly constrained by, the laws of Physics. ;-)

    $foo = 1 | 2 | 4
    print $foo;
    # Foo is now just one of (1, 2, 4); i.e. not a junction
Nope. $foo is still a conjunction.

BTW, it's likely that printing $foo *won't* just randomly select one state;
that it will call $foo.serialize and print whatever string that (standard)
method returns. To get the select one at random behaviour, you need'll:

	print $foo.pick;

If so, what is perl going to do about the computationally expensive
entanglement thingy?
Nothing. Unless Alex ports his Quantum::Entanglement module.

$x = 0 | 1;
$y = 0 | 1;
$z = $x * $y;
print $z; # 0 with 0.75 probability and 1 with 0.25
No. This probably just prints "0 1".

    # If 0 was printed, then $x | $y == 0
    # If 1 was printed, then $x & $y == 1
BTW, isn't that a seductive notation. ;-)

Here, are $x and $y collapsed yet, or are they still in an entangled
Neither. They're still two completely independent junctions.


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