On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 10:28:38AM -0800, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
>     01_._23     # wrong?

this one has to be wrong by Larry's decree that _ is only valid
between "digits" (hexits?)

>     1.23_e_4    # ok?

Hrm. This one is annoying, but I think it should be okay.

>     20:1.G.K    # base 20 (identical?)
>     20:1_G_K    # base 20 (identical?)
>     20:1.16.19  # base 20 (identical?)
>     20:1_16_19  # base 20 (identical?)

If we used _ to separate digits in the explicit radix format then that
would free up . to be used for floating point numbers (I still don't see
a use for non-decimal floating point representations, but that's
probably just my lack of imagination). It sort of makes sense too in
that _ can only appear between digits in regular decimal format.

> Of course, a key issue is that, in perl5, the treatment of numeric 
> literals is not at all the same as the treatment of stringified 
> numerics.  For example:
>      0x00ff     # hex value ff
>     '0x00ff'    # integer value 0, with trailing 'x00ff'
> I think ways to solve this should be open to discussion.  Hopefully 
> Luke can give us some proposals, since he's writing that part.

Would that there were a way to "literalize" strings.  Maybe we should
just have a function called that:

        $string = <FH>;                 # say it reads 0xff
        $num = literalize($string)      # $num now = 255

Jonathan Scott Duff

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