On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 10:59:07AM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 07:40:38PM +0100, Angel Faus wrote:
> : I would preferer to limit the usage of "letter notation" to just base 
> : 11-36, and have n:F = n:f for every n.
> : 
> : It is simpler, and we can always use de "dot notation" for bigger 
> : bases. 
> I'm thinking at the moment that I'd like to go back to the Ada notation
> and use # for the radix, and rather that using dots, use colons.  So
> an IP address would actually look like
>     256#192:168:1:1
> (But only on a big-endian machine!  Use v-strings instead!)

Why only on big-endian ? This is a just a number. To use it
as an IP address you would need to pack it with pack("N",256#192:168:1:1)
which should work on any endian machine. Or am I missing something


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