On Sun, Nov 17, 2002 at 03:01:08PM +0200, Markus Laire wrote:
> On 15 Nov 2002 at 12:02, Dave Whipp wrote:
> > A couple more corner cases:
> > 
> > $a =  1:0; #error? or zero
> Shouldn't base-1 be:
> 1:0 == 10:0
> 1:1 == 10:1
> 1:11 == 10:2
> 1:111 == 10:3
> 1:1010111 == 10:5
> etc..

Nope.  Remember, for any N, base N consists of the digits from 0 up to
N-1.  So, in base 2 (binary), you may only use the numbers 0 and 1.
In base 10 (decimal), you may only use the digits from 0-9.  And so

Therefore, in base 1, you can only use the digit 0.  (Actually, I
think base 1 is a corner case--you only get one digit, but that digit
is 1, so you can represent any number N by making N tally marks.)

>Also 0:0 == 10:0

In base 0, you would get no digits at all, so you can't represent
anything...which makes sense: after all, how many times must you
multiply 0 by itself to represent the decimal number 10?


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