Austin Hastings asked:

By extension, if it is NOT given an iterator object, will it appear to
create one?

That is, can I say
for (@squares)
if $special.instructions eq 'Advance three spaces'

or some other suchlike thing that will enable me to consistently
perform iterator-like things within a loop, regardless of origin?
If, by C<$;> you mean "skip the next three elements
of @squares", then no. $_ isn't an alias to the implicit iterator
over @squares; it's an alias for the element of @squares currently
being iterated.

You want (in my formulation):

    my $dance =;
    for $dance {
       if $special.instructions eq 'Advance three spaces' {

(Oh please! Let there be one, and for love of humanity, let it be
called "bork". Pleasepleaseplease!!! It's a shorthand form of "bind or
kontinue", really it is.  :-) :-) :-))
"Brain on raw krack" more like it ;-)

So in general, diamonded-function-call implies coroutine/continuation?
That's the problem. I can't see how that works syntactically.

To disagree, vile Aussie! To be looking at perl5's adornmentless
If I say: while (<>) {print;} I'm asking for file-scan behavior.
Yes. Special case.

If I say: for (@ARGV) { print; } I'm asking for array-scan behavior.

If I say: for (<@ARGV>) { print; } I'm asking for trouble?
<grin> Under my proposal, you're saying:

	* Grab next element of @ARGV
	* Iterate that element.

*Unless* the elements of @ARGV in Perl 6 are actually special Iterator-ish,
filehandle-ish objects that happen to also stringify to the command-line
strings. Hmmmmm.

Seemed very complex to me.

That's "elify", to wit:

"Z'at elify the code?"
"Elify - no."


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