On Monday, November 18, 2002, at 04:54  PM, Larry Wall wrote:
: (B) Need to know the root of the numeric types
: Option 1:
: numeric (mostly abstract base class)
: - num
: - int
: Option 2:
: num (floating point 'num' is the base class)
: - int

I'd lean towards option 1, insofar as low-level types can be considered
objects at all. I suppose there might also be an abstract Numeric type...
.... IIR, Damian previously recommended option 2. Do you want to fight it out with him, or overrule? :-)

If it isn't obvious to everyone else, the main (only?) reason to care about this is when checking/specifying context/args. Assume num means a double-precision float.

Simply put: (a) if you pass an <int> to a function defined as taking a (floating-point) <num>, does the function always convert your <int> to a <num> before doing anything with it, or does it know it doesn't have to? And (b) are you allowed to discriminate between 'floating point' and 'integer' context, and how?

Option 1:

sub foo(num $n; int $i) # _always_ forces $n to a double
# _always_ forces $i to an int
sub bar(numeric $n) # allows both int or double, doesn't care

if want numeric {
if want int { ... } # both are subclasses of numeric,
if want num { ... } # but only siblings to each other

Option 2:

sub foo(num $n; int $i) # allows $n as int or double
# $i always forced to an int
sub bar(num $n) # allows both int or double, doesn't care

if want numeric { # (maybe still want abstract base anyway)
if want num { # num is the base class
if want int { ... } # int is special case of a num

.... Nasty issue. #1 allows you to be more precise, important if constantly converting nums <--> ints would notably slow things. But #2 more obviously does WYM most of the time.

Hmm, here might be an answer (thinking aloud). Perhaps <num> is the base class, just like it is now (you can put both floats and integers in it, it doesn't care). <int> is for explicit integer, <float> is for explicit double.

- int
- float

Such that the literal 1.234 is born as type <float>, which is trivially type <num>. Literal 1234 is treated as an <int>, same deal.

So we'd still use <num> and <int> for most things, but we'd have <float> hanging out as a way to explicitly type/cast/contextify*:

sub foo(float $i)

.... in cases where it really mattered. Would that better solve the issues in options 1 and 2(?)


*(contextify? contextification?) :-)

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