On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 09:33:10PM -0800, Steve Fink wrote:
> ### frivolous (Solaris 9 on Sparc; gcc-3.1) ###
> Looks like it crashed in the hashtable test. Why???
>   Failed Test      Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
>   --------------------------------------------------------------
>   t/pmc/perlhash.t    1   256    21    1   4.76%  17

This is odd.  When I run 'make test', the perlash 'Testing clone' test
fails.  However, when I run 'perl -Ilib t/pmc/perlhash.t', all of the
tests report as passed.  I don't have time to examine this more closely
right now (as I've got a flight to catch), but next week, once work is 
less hectic and I'm back in the office, I'll look at this again.

In addition, I'll be installing the latest Sun Workshop Pro compiler on 
frivolous and running that as another tinderbox client once I've talked
to our licensing office.

Of course, it would also be nice if I could convince parrot not to dump
core on a regular basis on my other tinderbox client (drinky-drinky 
(OpenBD 3.1 + gcc 2.95.3)), but there are only so much free time...


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