> From: Angel Faus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 01:54:31 +0100

Much nicer.  This document holds together and makes more sense than
the first (as it should).  Nice work.  A couple of corrections and
nit-picks, though.

> This notation is designed to let you write very large or
> very small numbers efficiently. The left portion of the
> C<e> is the coefficient, and the right is the exponent,
> so a number of the form C<C.CCCeXX> is actually intepreted 
> as C<C.CCC * 10**XX>.

Your "coefficient" is usually referred to as the mantissa.  But it's
clear either way.

> Alphanumeric digits: Following the common practice,
> perl will interpret the A letter as the digit 10, the B
> letter as digit 11, and so on. Alphanumeric digits are case 
> insensitive:
>   16#1E3A7              # base 16
>   16:1e3a5              # the same 

On the second one, of course you mean:


(i.e. tr/:5/#7/)

> This won't work for bases greater than 36, so we
> have too:

s/too/as well/ ?  It's less typo-looking.

> In boolean context (see "Boolean Context") C<NaN> always
> evaluates to false so.


> NOTE: are we going to have +-Inf too?

We don't have +- anything else, so I don't see why we would.  Perhaps
it could be C<Inf | -Inf>, but probably not. ("Why is it calling my
sub *twice*!!")

> For example:
>  my Int $i is bigint = 777_666_555_444_333_222_111;
>  print $i;  # prints 77766655544433300000

C<bigint> is a tie?  I would think it would be a class:

  my bigint $i;

Or smoothly integrated with type "Int".


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