On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Brent Dax wrote:

> Andy Dougherty:

> # Well, I'll speak up.  I find the name needlessly crude and 
> # offensive.  I see no reason to use such a name and would 
> # strongly prefer that Parrot didn't.  Parrot is a collective 
> # project representing a community of developers, and I, for 
> # one, don't wish to be associated with needlessly crude and 
> # offesnsive language.
> Since this thread has resurfaced, I'll speak up too.  And my
> not-so-humble opinion is:  It's just a word--get over it.

Sorry, but try explaining that to my young daughter who was reading over
my shoulder last evening asking "What are you working on, Daddy?"

It's "just a word", yes, but I think it's a needlessly crude and offensive
word.  I understand and respect that others disagree.

    Andy Dougherty              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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