On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 02:20:01PM -0800, Austin Hastings wrote:
> --- Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How about the same way as one would do it now?  Presumably we won't
> > all
> > forget how to program when Perl 6 comes out.
> I think you've missed the point. The original poster (Smylers) asked if
> there was a benefit to only cacheing certain values, presuming the
> remainder would be either trivial to compute or internally cached, or
> both.

I think *you've* missed the point.  

There's not enough benefit to support "caching certain values"
through linguistic warping.  That technique is possible, and it's
the kind of solution that is better suited to (1) hand-rolling a
cache management strategy, or (2) refactoring the code to work with
standard memoization.

The best solutions involve caching all of the values returned by
this function (ignoring the possible waste as insignificant), or
refactoring the code so that "all of the meaningful values" are
cached (and computed by a separate cached sub).


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