On 12/10/2002 5:46 PM, Smylers wrote:
OK.  There was something on MJD's QOTW recently where using the current
Perl 5 Memoize module slowed code down -- that gave me the impression
that caching had the potential.
It does. In fact, all caching has that potential. Specificly, if the time to look up somthing in the cache is greater then the time to recompute it, caching is a loose. Additionaly, if the hit rate (probablity; 0..1) times the time to recompute the datum is less then the time to look up the result in the cache, it's a loss for that datum.

MJD has a set of presentation slides on this at http://perl.plover.com/yak/memoize-quant/ -- "Quantitative Analysis of Memoization".

-=- James Mastros

PS -- This is getting offtopic, even for p6l.

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