On 2003-01-07 at 11:31:13, Mr. Nobody wrote:
> .length is unneeded, since an array gives its length in numeric context, so
> you can just say +@a. 
Unneeded, but harmless.

> grep shouldn't be an array method either, it should be
> like the perl5 grep, as it is often used on lists, "grep /foo/, keys %h" is
> far more readable than "@{[keys %h]}.grep(/foo/)".
Didn't we already have the left-to-right vs. right-to-left discussion?
Regardless of how grep works when it's not invoked as a method, it
most definitely should be invokable as one on arrays.  It would probably
be defined in a superclass rather than in Array itself, assuming Array
is a specific subclass of a more general collection class
(be it List or Collection or whatever), but that doesn't matter as long
as you can call it on an array.

Also, some of the line noise in your "unreadable" example comes from your
mixing method syntax with other syntax.  No need to do all that @{[keys %h]}
stuff - it would just be %h.keys.grep(/foo/), which looks pretty darn readable
to me.

Mark REED                    | CNN Internet Technology
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