> > Perhaps .size for number-of-elements and .length for length-of-string
> > would work?
> <sarcasm>
> This would just cause them to Think About Things A Different But
> Equally Wrong Way: as assembly language objects whose SIZE in bytes is
> the determining component of their existence.
> </sarcasm>

I am happy to see other suggestions for the names.  The ones I mentioned
were simply spur-of-the-moment ideas, which I agree have problems.

> Seriously, if they're smart enough to run a text editor, I think it's
> safe to say that they can handle the conceptual difference between the
> "length" (mins:secs) of a video, and the "length" (feet:inches) of the
> mag-tape that encodes the video. People deal with different inherent
> units all the time in the real world -- some of them even remember to
> carry the units through their equations when they're doing math. Let's
> give some credit to the audience at large.

With respect, I have plenty of evidence to suggest that programming
students *won't* handle the difference (many years of teaching
first- and second-year programming at University).  I see students at
all levels saying things like:
  char *dupString = malloc(sizeof oldString + 1);
when they mean:
  char *dupString = malloc(strlen(oldString) + 1);
(Actually, that's a good argument against using "size" to mean
number-of-elements of Perl arrays, isn't it?)

Perhaps you are talking about experienced programmers rather than
students.  In that case, I agree with you.  But everybody has to learn
Perl once.

Debbie Pickett http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~debbiep [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Long and wide, eternity from side to side, lead me through the rapids, guide me
 to the shore. There's a place that's far beyond this time and space, when each
  of us comes face to face with something more." - _Siren Song_, Alan Parsons

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