> From: frederic fabbro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 15:26:58 +0100 
> Can one see it as a shell redirection/pipe? This may sound funny, 
> but is the following ok?
>        @b <~ @a  ~> @c; #  @c = @b = @a;
>       (@b <~ @a) ~> @c; #  same order i guess

Ummm, whellll... that depends on the semantics of A <~ B when A is not
a function.  If it's just assignment, why not just use =  ? But
assuming it does assign, yes, that's what it would do.

> so one can also:
>       @keep <~ grep /good/ <~ @list ~> grep /bad!/ ~> @throw;

You're playing with my brain, here.  That, in theory, would be
equivalent to:

    (@keep <~ grep /good/ <~ @list) ~> grep /bad!/ ~> @throw;
    @keep = @throw = grep /bad/, @list.grep(/good/) 

So, in other words, no.

> is this if valid too?
>       @b ~> @a <~ @c; #  push @a, @b, @c;

    (@b ~> @a) <~ @c;
    (@a = @b) = @c

Would end up setting @a to @c.

> or:   @b, @c ~> push @a;
>       qw/hello world/ ~> print

I think it would be good to allow only one parameter on the left.  The
latter is correct (except for qw// is spelled <<>>).

> I guess it modifies $_
>       print "$_ \t %stat{$_} \n" <~ grep /^[Aa]/ <~ keys %stat
>       print "$_ \t %stat{$_} \n" for grep /^[Aa]/, keys %stat

That is not at all how it works.  Print would try to use 

  grep %stat.keys: /^[Aa]/

As a filehandle.

> Could we get pairs (or more), and also something like a step, for 
> example to only take one array elements every two?

In that case you would probably just want to use the versatile C<for>
loop, instead of cluttering syntax to support that.


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