Damian Conway said:

> Andy Wardley wrote:
>> The arrow is a special case.  I don't read that first character
>> as '-', I think of the operator as one.  I guess the visual cue forces
>> me to see it like that.
> I'm suggesting that ~> and <~ will be the same.

I think that in part this may depend on the font being used.

When I first saw these symbols, via webmail on a browser, the tilde
appeared half way down the character, in the same position as the dash. 
This made it obvious to me that it was an arrow of some sort, and it
looked good.

When I later saw it using mutt in an xterm, the tilde was at the top of
the character, where I was more used to seeing it and it didn't look like
an arrow any more, nor did it look very good to me.

This is the way it looks on my browser  ~>

When I get home I'll mail a message showing how it looks in my xterm ;-)

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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