Brent Dax asked:


	@a ~> grep { ... } ~> @b

Is the same as

	@b = grep { ... } @a

As in...

	class Array {
		method grep (Array $ary: Code $code) returns Array {
		method grep (Code $code: Array $ary) returns Array {
No. As in:

        sub grep (Code|Hash $selector, *@candidates) is multi {...}

        class Array {
            method grep(Array $self: *@candidates) {...}

Multimethods don't belong to classes; they mediate interactions *between* classes.

? And this would automagically get mapped into Array::grep?
No. Both would be explicitly and separately defined.

(Reminds me of C++ operator overloading for e.g. "operator +(int,
Which is *exactly* why we're doing it slightly differently. ;-)


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