Damian Conway writes:
 > Buddha Buck wrote:
 > > 
 > > Perl 5 allows you to do:
 > > 
 > >   $object->meth1->meth2->meth3;  # Perl5 chained method, L2R
 > > 
 > > Perl 6 will also allow you to do:
 > > 
 > >   $data  ~> sub1  ~>  sub2 ~> sub3;    # Perl6 chained subs, L2R
 > > 
 > > Perl 5 allows you to to:
 > > 
 > >   sub3   sub2   sub1  $data;           # Perl5 chained subs, R2L
 > > 
 > > Perl 6 will also allow you to do:
 > > 
 > >   meth3 <~ meth2 <~ meth1 <~ $Xbject  # Perl 6 chained methods, R2L
 > > 
 > > All four syntaxes will be available in Perl 6, modulo the fact that '->' 
 > > is now spelled '.'
 > > 
 > > The additional functionality that when the last sub or method in the ~> 
 > > and <~ is a variable an assigment is done is a convenience issue.

will something like that work ? and how ~> distinguish between  = and
:= ? 

         @source ~> part [
                         /zap/ ]  
                 ~> (@foo,@bar,@zap) 

the issue is : what happens if function returns more than one
variables . 

It seems that it is not very bad idea to have some special (lexical )
variable similar to $0 for regexes that is set after
grep/part/sort/or_may_be_something_userdefined have done its work and
then ( here $0 is a placeholder for that variable ) : 

         @source ~> part [
                         /foo/ => @foo, 
                         /bar/ => @bar 
                         /zap/ => @zap ] ; 
                $0{'@foo'} ~> map { ... } ~> @foo; 
                $0{'@bar'} ~> map { ... } ~> @bar; 
                $0{'@zap'} ~> map { ... } ~> @zap; 

but maybe that may be stilll shortened .  the idea ( maybe bad ) is to
have "named" or "numbered" (pseudo)pipes similar to having named or
numbered arguments.

         @source |> part [
                         /foo/ => "foo", 
                         /bar/ => "bar" 
                         /zap/ => "zap" ]  
                |foo> map { ... } |> @foo, 
                |bar> map { ... } |> @bar, 
                |zap> map { ... } |> @zap ; 

So |foo> is "undone" by perl arranging temporal variable after the
action of part and then feeding this temporal variable to the rest of
pipeline. that also means that |foo> "remembers" the return values
_only_ from the thing on its _closest_ left . 

then something like that can be made to work :

         @source |> grep { ... } 
                |ok>  map { ... } |> @foo, 
                |nok> map { ... } |> @bar  ; 

I am not sure this is a good solution 
but I think that "purge" and L2R-R2L threads of this maillist have to
be more close somehow. 



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