--- David Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 04:21:08PM -0800, Damian Conway wrote:
> > Paul Johnson wrote:
> > 
> > > Well, I'll be pretty interested to discover what cause is deemed
> more
> > > deserving than Larry, Perl 6 or Parrot.  The P still stands for
> Perl,
> > > right?
> > 
> > True. But I suspect that TPF's position is that, to many people,
> Perl 6 is
> > far less important than mod_Perl, or DBI, or HTML::Mason, or POE,
> or PDL, or 
> > Inline, or SpamAssassin, or XML::Parser, or YAML, or the Slashcode,
> or any of 
> > a hundred other projects on which their job depends on a daily
> basis.
> > 
> > Supporting those efforts is important too, and TPF has only limited
> resources.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the one thing that all those
> projects have in common...well...Perl?  And isn't Larry the guy to
> whom we owe the existence of Perl?  I'm not fortunate enough to be
> using Perl in my job, but I'm still more than happy to pony up for a
> donation, purely from gratitude. 
> This is something along the lines of the applied research vs basic
> research question.  What Larry is doing pretty much amounts to basic
> research that will help all of these other projects in the long run.

Sure. But managing the funding budget isn't a business, where basic
research will enable more income. It's the allocation of scarce
resources. And from that viewpoint, Larry and P6 is an iceberg, just
cruising along hoping to gash a massive hole in the support/maintenance
schedule, because once P6 rolls all the other stuff has to be sorted,
ported, and supported.

If I was in charge of the TPF funding budget, I'd be yearning to pick
up the phone whenever I saw an episode of "The Sopranos"(*)...


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