On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 12:55:56PM -0800, Rich Morin wrote:
> I'm not a Lisp enthusiast, by and large, but I think he makes some
> interesting observations on language design.  Take a look if you're
> feeling adventurous...

I can't help feeling slightly deflated.  Given the chance to re-design
Lisp from scratch, the tasks on the top of my TODO list to address would 

   * getting rid of some/all those damn parenthesis
   * renaming cons/car/cdr to something meaningful

Alas, these are about the only parts he's not changing.  He promises that
Arc will have a syntax one day, but there isn't one yet.

The other comments that caught my eye were that Arc is designed for
Good Programmers[tm] and that it was particularly targetted at developing
web applications.  Alas, my experience seems to suggest that most of 
the people writing web applications are monkeys who would rather have 
something designed for Bad Programmers, like PHP.


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