Adam Turoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 10:16:50AM +0000, Andy Wardley wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 12:55:56PM -0800, Rich Morin wrote:
>> > I'm not a Lisp enthusiast, by and large, but I think he makes some
>> > interesting observations on language design.  Take a look if you're
>> > feeling adventurous...
>> I can't help feeling slightly deflated.  Given the chance to re-design
>> Lisp from scratch, the tasks on the top of my TODO list to address would 
>> be:
>>    * getting rid of some/all those damn parenthesis
>>    * renaming cons/car/cdr to something meaningful
>> Alas, these are about the only parts he's not changing.  He promises that
>> Arc will have a syntax one day, but there isn't one yet.
> These slides are over a year old.  There hasn't been much of Arc since
> Paul Graham's early musings on it.  But one of the things he did do was
> rename lambda to fn.  This is proof that the holy grails can be tossed
> out of the window.
> The problem with cons/car/cdr is that they're fundemental operations.
> Graham *has* learned from perl, and is receptive to the idea that
> fundemental operators should be huffman encoded (lambda -> fn).  It
> would be easy to simply rename car/cdr to first/rest, but that loses
> the huffman nature of car/cdr.  

ISTR that he was also a fan on the 'composibility' of car and cdr,
giving operators like (caar list), which means (car (car list)). I can
see where he's coming from, but I can also see that those tricks could
also be dismissed as clever dickery.

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