On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 15:46, Gopal V wrote:

> > Ruby needs to call the missing_method method (if I remember correctly). 
> > So if "foo" doesn't exist, it would be good to be able to override
> > callmethods behavior and make it call missing_method.
> like I said , the compiler designer can put that explicitly in the 
> generated code ... You don't actually need instructions to do that.
> Also the explicit generation might prove to be better to handle all
> the quirks future languages might encounter....

Sure, there is only one problem with that.  I don't know if it's a real
problem or not.

But if I write a library in ruby that depends on the missing_method
method it will not be usable from other languages, since those languages
doesn't call missing_method if the method they try to call doesn't

Of course, in real life I don't think that's a problem because I haven't
seen much use of missing_method.

Also, having a instruction would be faster which of course is more fun

> My interest here is to obtain a clear and fast way to call stuff for
> static compiled languages. :) 

But the really interesting thing about parrot is that it is primarily
made for very dynamic languages.  Personally I think it's quite ok if C#
is a little bit slower under parrot than under mono/dotgnu/MS.NET, as
long as the dynamic languages are as fast or faster than they are now.


Erik Bågfors               | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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