Dan Sugalski:
# At 7:30 AM +0000 1/24/03, Piers Cawley wrote:
# >In my quest to eliminate as many explicit conditionals from 
# my code as 
# >possible, I found myself wondering if Perl 6's multidispatch 
# mechanism 
# >would allow one to write:
# Okay, I think I remembered the problem. Assume the following:
#     list bar(int);   # bar takes an int, returns a list
#     scalar bar(int); # bar takes an int, returns a scalar
# and also assume the following:
#     xyzzy(scalar); # xyzzy takes a scalar
#     xyzzy(list);   # xyzzy takes a list
# and then we make the call:
#     xyzzy(bar(1));
# Which bar do we call? And which xyzzy?

This is also a problem with using want().

If we don't provide wants_scalar/wants_list, someone will build it with
want(), so we might as well try to address it.  I suggest that want()
return a special value when the calling context is ambiguous, and any
wants_scalar/wants_list property be designed to accommodate this
(probably by specifying which one should be the default).

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

>How do you "test" this 'God' to "prove" it is who it says it is?
"If you're God, you know exactly what it would take to convince me. Do
    --Marc Fleury on alt.atheism

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