It looks like we are going into a similar direction. I would like to
make sure that we can represent this information in the parrot, if the
compiler writers want to provide it.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> James --
> I'm open to other ideas. I've toyed with learning DAML and RDF for
> some
> ontology stuff I'm interested in, but so far I haven't had the mental
> "click"
> that would make me feel comfortable working with them. I do have a
> good
> comfort level with XML in general.

The click came for me was very simple :
triples are simple. Rdf is simple. Tools are built to process graphs of
triples. XML is more complex, xml gives you more freedom, less

here is an example 
stat64 * __statbuf;
<#id-59> <node_fields:linenumber> "394" .
<#id-59> <node_fields:filename> <#filename-stat.h> .
<#id-59> <node_fields:type> <#id-24> .
<#id-59> <node_fields:name> <#id-61> .
<#id-61> <node_fields:strg> "__statbuf" .
<#id-24> <node_fields:ptd> <#id-29> .

<#id-24> <node_fields:size> <#id-28> .
<#id-28> <node_fields:low> "32" .
# the pointer is 32 bytes

<#id-29> <node_fields:flds> <#id-35> .
I have omitted the fields of the struct
<#id-29> <node_fields:modifier> <node_modifiers:struct> .
# it is a structure 
<#id-29> <node_fields:size> <#id-34> .
<#id-34> <node_fields:low> "768" .
#the struct is 768 bytes

<#id-29> <node_fields:name> <#id-33> .
<#id-33> <node_fields:strg> "stat64" .
> I am pondering the sorts of transforms I could implement against the
> I've generated (using XSLT)...

Yes, xslt is good.

> Another twist would be: can the compiler be reasonably implemented as
> a handler for the SAX events generated by the parser? If so, then the
> I'm generating today is just a textual rendering of the actual data 
> structure
> passed from the parser to the compiler. I'm thinking this might be 
> possible
> since a good amount of the optimization will occur in IMCC.

that is the idea behind the introspector, we extract the ASTs from the
gcc before they get transformed to RTL.

> Failing the pure SAX approach (which kind of implies single-pass),
> the 
> other
> possibility would be DOM (accept the SAX events, build a tree and use
> DOM to tinker with it).

These would be really good for the users.

> XML is not a religion for me, but I am interested in pushing on it to
> see 
> where
> the boundaries of practicality are. XML occupies the following slot
> in my 
> map:
>     A common way to render (annotated) tree structures (with
>     ordered children) as (mostly) plain text.
> (of course, you can substitute "graph" for "tree" if you consider
> internal 
> links).
> Already, tinkering with the XML rendering of the Jako parse tree has
> made
> me think more deeply about a few of the language issues. For example,
> I
> need to treat strings with interpolations as expressions rather than
> as 
> string
> literals (I'm making this transformation on-the-fly in the
> compilation and 
> rendering of string "literals" now, but it *should* happen during
> parsing,
> making the interpolated string C<"Howdy $what world!"> result in the
> same
> parse structure as C<'Howdy ' . $what . ' world!'> -- the former is
> just
> syntactic sugar).

Sounds good.

James Michael DuPont

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