Simon Glover (via RT) wrote:

# New Ticket Created by Simon Glover # Please include the string: [perl #20707]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. # <URL: >

 A fresh check-out of parrot from CVS is giving me a huge number of
 failing tests:

Failed Test        Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed

The only one that does fail is this one:

t/src/sprintf.t       1   256     2    1  50.00%  1

The other failures are caused by which doesn't write the correct floattype into the header.

For long double please change the line 865 in to:

floattype => 0x01, # unsigned char floattype

Of course the configure system should do this.

To verify your setup you can use imcc for assembling/running, *if* the test PASM doesn't contain macros.

$ cd languages/imcc
$ make -s
$ cd -
$ ln -s languages/imcc imcc
$ imcc t/op/number_1.pasm

$ imcc -o n.pbc t/op/number_1.pasm
$ make pdump
$ pdump -h n.pbc



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