A number of the language examples in parrot seem to not work as well as they once might have(or should).
The learning curve to get familiar something like parrot is much easier if things like this just work. So, if anybody cares, here's the list of issues I ran into in the languages directory:

executing: parrot ook.pbc
generates: invoke() not implemented in class 'PerlUndef'

no instructions on how to actually run the .bas examples.
Tried a few thing like parrot basic.pbc < eliza.bas and got nothing but BAD KEYWORD. Probably my usage error, but at a loss how to use it.

Trivial, but a fresh cvs checkout has a lingering empty Befunge-93 directory.

doesn't compile
bison -v -y -d -o parser.c cola.y
cola.y:75.7-11: type redeclaration for class_decl
cola.y:84.7-11: type redeclaration for element_access
cola.y:91.7-11: type redeclaration for relational_expr
cola.y:91.7-11: type redeclaration for equality_expr

not an error, but no examples of usage
tried a helloworld, but didn't get anywhere

make fails
make: t/harness: Command not found
make: *** [test] Error 127

unclear what its relationship(if any) to the top level assemble.pl is. Looks like it might be a proof of concept assembler written in native parrot, but a little unclear. A tiny readme would be good.
Also, tried "../../parrot pc.pbc" and got "no such file or directory".
When I did "../../parrot pc.pbc sample.pasm", I didn't get an error, but it didn't do anything.

The perl6 interpreter/compiler is fine, but some it's examples are broken:
get_pmc_keyed() not implemented in class 'PerlUndef'
Undefined subroutine &P6C::Tree::concat_string called at P6C/Tree.pm line 1053.
[IMCC::add_function (diagnostic) main] Redefining function reverse
[IMCC::add_function (diagnostic) main] Redefining function main
error:imcc:mk_address file examples/qsort.imc line 73: Label '_reverse' already defined
Error: '../imcc/imcc -oexamples/qsort.pasm examples/qsort.imc' failed with exit code 1
Stopped at ./perl6 line 312, <DATA> chunk 155.

absolutely no idea what the status of this one is. The README is a placeholder.


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