At 02:14 AM 2/18/2003 -0800, Tupshin Harper wrote:
A number of the language examples in parrot seem to not work as well as they once might have(or should).
doesn't compile
bison -v -y -d -o parser.c cola.y
cola.y:75.7-11: type redeclaration for class_decl
cola.y:84.7-11: type redeclaration for element_access
cola.y:91.7-11: type redeclaration for relational_expr
cola.y:91.7-11: type redeclaration for equality_expr
I just checked in a fix for these, it was simple redeclarations of
grammar rules. The rest of the grammar is still in sad shape, granted, but
my rewrite is too incomplete to checkin (being in C++ it wont overlay easily).

Hope this did the trick.


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