Leopold Toetsch wrote:

Tupshin Harper wrote:

Thanks. Apparently I'm being daft. I don't see any mention of pasm sections(constant or otherwise) in the pod docs, nor do any of the examples appear to use a constants section. What am I missing?

Sorry nothing. There are only IIRC 3 tests in parrot and 3 in imcc using these features.

$ perldoc assemble.pl

Actually you're wrong ;-)
I was missing something, and that of course was "perldoc assemble.pl". ;-)
Thanks for the pointer, that contains a *lot* of information that doesn't appear to be anywhere else(.constant, for example, is never mentioned in docs/*.pod).

But they are not very well covered in the main docs.

I would vote to move virtually all of this information out of assemble.pl and into docs/parrot_assembly.pod (or something similar), and have the perldoc for assemble.pl just be an overview + usage information.



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