[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Simon Cozens) writes:
> Can someone please compile a list of all the "is foo" properties that
> have been suggested/accepted as being pre-defined by the language?
> I can't keep track of them all.

Well, here's a start. Here are the ones I've found in the Exegeses and
Apocalypses. Things like 'is copy' and 'is given' (and probably a
great many others) have only been mentioned on the list, and I'm not
grepping through all the list mail. :)

A note: It is *impossible* to tell whether these are properties or
methods, built-ins or user-defined. This has never been stated
anywhere, with the exception of "constant" and "dim", which Damian
says (in E2) are built-in properties. Maybe those which are
capitalized are user-defined. Maybe that's not a good enough rule. We
Just Don't Know. Maybe an explicit rule would be nice.

And this may all have changed anyway. But here they are, followed by
which Apo/Exe they were mentioned in, and how many times, using the
troll's numbering system. (1, 2, many, lots)

    bigint (A2: 1)
    constant (A2: many, E2: many, E4: 2)
    const (E3:2)
    rw (A2: 2, A4: 1, E2: many, E4:1) 
    true (A2: 1, E4:1)
    false (A2: 2)
    dim (A2: many, E2: many)
    shared (A2:1)
    locked (A2:1)
    optimize (A2:2)
    same (A2:1)
    private (A2:1, E4:many)
    computed (A2:1)
    Purpose (A2:1) 
    lazy (A2:1)
    Initialised (A2:2)
    weak (A2:1)
    Note (A2:1) 
    dis (A2:1)
    Meaning (A2:1)
    interface (A2:1, E4:2)
    inherits (A2:1)
    Exception (A4:1,E4:many)
    post (A4: many)
    loud (A4: many)
    keymatch (A5:1)
    valuematch (A5:2)
    back (A5:2)
    chomped (E2: many, E4:1)
    Found (E2:many)
    Colour (E2:1)
    prompts (E2: many)
    Verified (E2:1)

Allison, any more to add?

#define struct union /* Great space saver */

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