On Sun, Mar 09, 2003 at 01:07:46PM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:

> * Objects have properties you can fetch and store by name
> * Objects have methods you can call
> * Objects have attributes you can fetch
> * You can fetch a hash of all the properties
> * When fetching or storing a generic property, you may call a method 
> instead, as methods win
> * You can fetch a method PMC from the object
> * You can fetch the object's Class PMC
> All of these have vtable entries in the PMC: get_prop, set_prop, 
> get_attrib, set_attrib, get_prop_hash, get_method, call_method, 
> get_class. (Some already have names, I'm doing this from memory)
> No, you can't set a method or the property hash from an object PMC. 
> Arguments with good reasons to do so will be cheerfully read and not 
> implemented. :)

How about "target languages allow you to do this"? :) (Python!)

But otherwise, I like this spec much more than your previous ones. It
seems more interface-oriented than implementation-oriented. That's
crucial for language compatibility, I think. If you stick to an
interface-oriented approach, then it should be no problem for Python,
Perl, Ruby, etc, to implement all of their wacky object semantics
while preventing incompatibility (or even special inter-language glue

 Twisted | Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
  Radix  |          Release Manager,  Twisted Project
---------+     http://twistedmatrix.com/users/radix.twistd/

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