On 03/14/2003 3:22 PM, Dan Sugalski wrote:
There's a difference between "Fund project X" and "Fund person X". Funding a project, and having one person suitable to do the project, is OK, generally speaking. (Though I expect the feds still peer pretty closely) Funding a specific person is dodgier.

That means that TPF's "perl development grant" fund is fine to donate to, and if there's only enough cash for one grantee, and Larry's the best candidate, that's keen. Setting up a "Fund Larry Wall" fund is where things get much less easy.
Umm, it seems like the entire thing clearly moves from the category of "worried about it" to "not worried about it" if there was both a "perl development fund", and a "perl6 development fund". Then people who wanted to see things like DBI and mod_perl get funded could give to the first, and people who wanted to see Larry, you (Dan), Damian, and the gang get funded (or, unfornatly, some subset thereof, depending on how much money comes in) could give to the second... and everybody gets their way.

-=- James Mastros

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