Larry Wall writes:
 > I think it's also a mistake to give C<my> two unrelated meanings.
 > These are not lexically-scoped variables any more than "our"
 > variables are, and the fact that they can happen accidentally in
 > Perl 5 as persistent lexically scoped variables is, er, accidental.
 > They are lexically scoped aliases to properties of the current block.
 > Perhaps we should just go with that:
 >     property $foo = 0;

in this example 

sub a { 
    state $x ; 
    my $y ; 
    my sub b { ... } ;

how "my sub b" is different from "state $x" from the point of view of
scope ? 

when scope of "sub a" is left,  $y variable is notifyed about it --
its value is lost . 
is "sub b" somehow notifyed when scope of "sub a" is left. ???

I mean , for example , that one of its ( sub b ) BIGLETTER block can
fire and change its ( sub b ) state variables. Is there some crucial
difference between scope of $y and &b ? 

in other words, 
what is a difference between where $x , $y and &b lives . 
and how these places behave dynamically -- when lexical scope is
entered or left. ???

 > But my gut feeling says if it's scoped differently, it had better
 > have a different introducer.  Scope is too important a distinction
 > to relegate to a trait of the variable, even though it may be one
 > from a metadata point of view.  Particularly since we may want it
 > to warp that assignment notation into an INIT {} or some such.
 > Actually has/have is kinda cute:
 >     Each object has...
 >     We all have...

do I understand correctly , that "has" introduce a block property that 
is used by "new"-like methods ??? or it is a property of class that
"posess" that block. ???
actually , the same question about "state" - does it introduce the
property of an enclosing block or a property of a sub "posessing" that 
block -- or am confused and these two things are the same ???

 > where "we all" could be taken to mean either "all objects" or "all
 > invocations of this block".  We could use this for class attributes
 > and they wouldn't show up globally.  On the other hand the class's
 > class object isn't quite the same thing as the class's init block.
 > But we wouldn't have to tell people that...
 > Whatever.  Important thing is that it has to be out front if it's
 > a different scope, even if it's not as important a scope as "my".
 > When you think about it, that's why we have brought "method",
 > "submethod", "multi", etc. out front too.  These are just scoping
 > distinctions important to the dispatcher.  But it's important to
 > human understanding to see that at the beginning.  Submethods aren't
 > as important as either subs or methods, but it would be a mistake to
 > make submethodism a mere property of either methods or subs.
 > In the same way, I think it's a mistake to see a block attribute as
 > either "our" or "my".
 > Just don't anyone suggest "submy"...

do you mean here a variable that is seen only in the current lexical
scope but invisible in any of inner lexical scopes. ??? ( or this was
just a joke ?...) 


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