On Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 12:59 PM, Smylers wrote:
Michael Lazzaro writes:
Larry Wall wrote:
We don't have a word for "START" right now.  It's somewhat equivalent
    state $foo //= 0

unless $foo gets undefined, I suppose.

Assuming we have a static-like scope called C<state>, one can
definitely see the use of having an assignment variant for "not yet
initialized" or "doesn't yet exist", the proposed spelling of which was

I'm unconvinced by the need for a cryptic way to distinguish undefined from uninitialized.
Or, at least, if we want to make such a distinction here it should be
because we come up with good examples where the distinction is useful,
doing something that couldn't easily be achieved in some other way --
and that that usefulness is thought to outway the additional complexity
of having another assignment operator in the language and having to
distinguish it when teaching or learning Perl.

I suppose my own most common example is a hash representing a cache... it's entirely possible for C<undef> to be calculated and cached, but that doesn't mean the cache entry is invalid and should be recalculated every time -- a nonextant key would mean the cache entry is invalid.

    $cache.{ $key } = $cache.load($key)
        if not exists $cache.{ $key };
    $cache.{ $key };

In my own experiences, code similar to the above is awfully common. An assign-if-not-present form (at least for hashes, but in a magical fairy world, for arrays/params/whatever, too) such as:

$cache.{ $key } __= $cache.load($key);

would be a lot cleaner, and maybe a little faster, since it's testing C<$cache.{ $key }> once instead of -- what, 2.5 or 3 times, I guess, depending on how you count it?

Your mileage may vary, of course -- I must confess I need the undefined vs. noexists distinction all the time, but it's quite possible I code weirdly compared to other people. :-/


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