[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthijs Van Duin) writes:
> >Well, if you optimize for the most common case, throw out threads altogether.
> Well, I almost would agree with you since cooperative threading can
> almost entirely be done in perl code, since they are built in
> continuations.  I actually gave an example of that earlier.

You thoroughly missed my point, but then I didn't make it very clearly:
the Huffman-encoding argument works well for language design, but doesn't
apply too well for implementation design.

"We'll not bother implementing an exponentiation operator since
exponentiation is only used very rarely in Perl programs and we can
get around it with some shifts, multiplication and a loop if we need

  "They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the
   Wright brothers.  But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
         -- Carl Sagan

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