Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been trying to run, and it's been dying.  I traced the
> problem down to Parrot::Packfile thinking that the size of the
> bytecode segment is zero.  However, it works fine when I use
> to compile; the problem only arises when I compile with
> imcc.

Our current problem is, that we have two assemblers and two PBC formats.
Keeping all in sync till now ends obviously at test level.

But we have finally to give up its slow and it doesn't
conform to packfile/packout.c. As previous discussions did show, we will
need constant/debug/fixup/... segments per bytecode file. packfile.c has
with the directory approach all the infrastructure. probably
doesn't keep up with that.

I'm only waiting for tinderboxen showing imcc build and test results.
Before ok from these, we can't change things that need

Anyway WRT It does unroll a whole PASM file in one big C switch
statement, which is suboptimal for RL programs. So it seems - backed by
Daniels news today - this will not survive.

> Luke


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