On Wednesday 25 June 2003 20:15, Adrian Howard wrote:
> Add an explicit "test script finished" footer?

But how does the footer-adder know that the correct number of tests ran. You 
would need to declare a plan to run x additional extensions at which point 
you're doing sub-plans.

I suppose I'm thinking of things from the I messed up my test script point of 
view rather than my test script died unexpectedly. Exit codes should catch 
the died unexpectedly stuff. A correct plan is good for catching the 
programmer errors but is a pain to maintain.

> I have some vague thoughts that there are some potentially cute things 
> that you could do with extended plans that would be hard to do with 
> sub-blocks/plans (e.g. any sort of test that cross-cuts several test 
> scripts in an AOPish sort of way - checking that test data has returned 
> to a state of grace for example).

I guess that can be solved by controlling the timing of the output. I don't 
think there's a need for the results of test 1 to be printed before carrying 
out test 2, except maybe when the tests are being run by the developer.

The patch I submitted almost allows that to work. Each block gets a 
Test::Builder object and whenever a block is finalised, it finalises all of 
it's sub blocks, so you could delay output until finalisation time. So, 
imagine that Test::Builder objects don't output anything until they are 
finalised, they just collect results quietly. You create an AOP block at the 
top level (ie a sub-block of the root Test::Builder). Then you do all your 
AOP tests using this Test::Builder::Block object. At the end, when all other 
tests are finished and output, your AOP test block will dump out it's 


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