Hi everybody,

That was nice to meet many of you in person at YAPC::EU,

I am trying to learn about continuations and Parrot. I hit a
problem of register allocation. I don't know if it is a
miscomprehension from me or a bug. Probably the former.
Apparently P16 is used both for my Perlhash and the Sub.
Below are the beginning of a pdb session and the PIR listing.


(pdb) l
1  new_p_ic P16,23
2  newsub_p_ic_ic P16,31,31

.local PerlHash penta2d
.const string str_nm = "U"

.sub _main
      new penta2d, .PerlHash

        .local Sub sub
        .local Continuation cc
        newsub sub, .Sub, _mk_one
        newsub cc, .Continuation, ret
        .pcc_begin prototyped
        .pcc_call sub, cc

.pcc_sub _mk_one
       .local int test
       exists  test,  penta2d[str_nm]
       invoke P1

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