> I want to be able to have a function with
> this kind of signature:
> func ($param1, *$otherparams)


What kind of signature?  What does that mean?

If it's Perl 6, 

    sub ($param1, *$otherparams)

Is nothing special: it takes two parameters.  Did you mean

    sub ($param1, [EMAIL PROTECTED])

In which case, if it's prototyped, we stuff everything besides the
first parameter into a PMC representing @otherparams.

And if you meant something else, can't help ya.


> AFAIK, there is no way to implement this
> with the current calling conventions. You
> would have to do something with variable
> register IDs, which we don't have and which
> would probably be a bad idea, anyway.
> Maybe non_prototyped pcc subs should
> always have all their parameters shoved
> into an array? (and likewise for return
> values :-). Hopefully most subroutine calls
> will be prototyped, anyway, so it wouldn't
> cause too much of an overall speed-hit, and it
> would make many things a lot simpler (not
> to mention even *possible*).
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