Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

>> Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We were just discussing this in the f'up.

> I read those, but I wanted to make sure the discussion went this way. :)

Fine :-)

>> Pluggable implies a dump() vtable method, doesn't it?

> Nope. Pluggable implies freezethaw.c provides all the functionality to
> freeze or thaw a PMC, with code in there to handle the right final
> encoding or decoding of the data.

I think, we need a general solution for freeze, dump and clone. As shown
the latter is broken. That would be IMHO an iterator interface with a
callback function taking and returning a void*.

(The dump could be done from the frozen string too, but you might not
always have all flags and such for just printing a PMC during tracing,
so a special dump() vtable is more flexible - the PMCs should decide how
they look like)

> I thought we had a freeze and thaw entry in the vtables, but I see not.
> The signatures (since I don't have source handy to check them in) should
> be:

>   STRING *freeze()

The freeze(), dump() and clone() would be vtables which are called by
the iterator. So this functions hould have the same signature.

>   PMC* thaw(STRING*)
>                                       Dan


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