Benjamin Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Leopold Toetsch wrote:

[ optimize DOD before thaw/clone ]

> Even with a depth restriction, a recursive estimate can produce
> misleading results due to circular references.  Only actually walking
> the structure can get the number right.  However, walking the structure
> *twice* would be silly.  So, begin with an estimate of "unknown"
> (serialize an integer -1), and then, after the whole thing has been
> frozen, we seek backwards (if that's possible) and replace that
> "unknown" with the actual number of pmcs that were serialized.

Yep. That's good for thaw. Doing clone by freeze/thaw OTOH doesn't help
here. Neither freezing everything first (yielding an exact count - but
generating the whole intermediate frozen image) nor freeze/thaw per PMC
(with smaller images) does help here.

Maybe we can get some statistics during a DOD run and keep that in an
aggregate's header.


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