Okay, I will probably find some time to hack tomorrow, in which case
I'll start in on The Great Renaming.  (It's also *right* after a feature
freeze, so hopefully there won't be too many pending patches.)  Here's
my plans:

 * Internal struct Parrot_Interp will become struct parrot_interp_t

 * Embedder typedef Parrot_Interp will stay as is, with an adjustment to
        new name.  (i.e. it's now 'typedef parrot_interp_t *

 * New (?) internal typedef Interp ('typedef parrot_interp_t Interp')
        be added(?).

Are there any objections to this?

Perl and Parrot hacker
"Yeah, and my underwear is flame-retardant--that doesn't mean I'm gonna
set myself on fire to prove it."

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