Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One of the things I mentioned there is that I would love to have some
> very simple examples of PIR files.

Please download YAL. It translates a currently very C-like language to
PIR and has a lot (but not enough) tests, that show the various HLL
constructs translated to PIR.

> ... The .imc files generated by perl6
> tests look very machine-generated.

And messy.

> ... I'd like to know what good style is
> (e.g., for calling subroutines -- nci? pcc?) before I completely ignore
> it in my machine-generated code.

NCI is a special kind of PCC to call C subroutines. If ever possible
you should use PCC.

> I'll obviously need to work harder if I want to get into the Perl 6
> summary again.

Always, except your name starts with Leon (hi ;-)

> -Amir


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